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We enable Experienced Professionals
Build their Venture
without worrying about Product Strategy and Execution.
Leverage our 10+ years of Product experience for your venture
We are Product and Tech experts with a decade's experience in SaaS, eCommerce, Gig economy, ERP just to name a few.
We work with latest tech stack like React, NodeJS, React Native, AWS Cloud to make sure your tech is future secure.
10 years experience
Three ways you can work with us
Venture Builder

Venture Builder
Build your MVP with skilled Product experts.
Development House

Development House
Develop and build products with experts.
Talent Hub

Talent Hub
Find skilled professionals for hire.
Our Ventures
“Shftr - On demand marketplace”
“Shftr - On demand marketplace”
From day one, the Handaji team felt like an extension of our own. They weren't afraid to think outside the box, proposing creative solutions that not only streamlined our development process but also enhanced the final product.
Rodman Johnson
Founder | CEO, Shftr
10 years experience
Our Clients
Build with us

We're dedicated to fostering innovation, nurturing talent, and building ventures that shape the future. Join us on this journey of growth, collaboration, and success.